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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Naked Heart


How was your Xmas eve? Hope you had a great time with lots of stampy presents!

Recently a fellow collector sent me this amazing picture of a heart tattoo! What do you think of it?

Hearts are the most common symbol for love, passion, and adoration. This doesn't change with heart tattoos.

Each heart tattoo will mean something different to each person.

For me, as a stamp collector, it reminds me of the 2008 US Wedding Hearts stamps featuring vines that form the shape of a heart.

These stamps are designed especially for mailing wedding invitations and RSVPs.

The stamps are available in two denominations to cover both the one-ounce and the two-ounce mailing rates.

Did you ever receive a wedding invitation with these stamps?

Are you the "I would sooner make a tattoo than getting married ever?" type of person? Or are you pro-marriage?

Happy Holidays!

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